BAT VK 600 M SE power conditioner


I have a system consist of dCS verdi/purcell/verona & elgar + connected directly into my BAT monoblocks driven SF strad speakers. (kimber 1130 & 1038)
I use a PS audio powerplant for the source.
My question is if anyone can recommend any power conditioner for my power amps, or have any experience using conditioner for big power amps.

I would have prefer since there is some distance between the amps to have a separate conditioner for each amp, each amps have two power inlets.

Any suggestion/recommodations?

Best regards

Dave b,
I too have been addicted to high end since the late 70's with the start of my rack mount Pioneer system...I will agree with you that (some) will change your sound for the worse but not(all)..I will disagree with you there,and I doubt you have tried them all especially the Isotek gear which has the same technology that MIT uses but more advanced...And since you are pushing the MIT I guess that it is not in the (all) catagory..???Its a product which you alone like in your (own) system(a senergy thing).In my system MIT didn't work well but OCOS speaker wire and Audience and DH Lab IC's along with my own home made Power cords does..A dedicated line is a great start for isolating noise from the rest of the house but it still has noise on it to some degree and a good conditioner will put the icing on that dedicated line...
Try a Isotek GII minisub if you have a dealer near you then make a comment on what you think.In this crazy stereo world there is always a 1 in 10 who will not be satisfied and be negative,what works for one doesn't work for another,all gear have a senergy with different products be it wire,pwr cords,IC's and conditioners.. its something that takes alot of testing and trying and experimenting with to get it right within ones own system...
You obviously have had some success and that's great! I had been through the ringer with any and all cables I could demo and or try at home over the years. I do not use MIT power conditioners either...tried them as well and found the sound diminished. Unless you have horrible power it just isn't worth it. As for the IC's and PC's, I have never heard anything better than MIT in any system I have had (my experience agrees with many reviewers..not all). MIT has been advancing the state of the art in cable design since the start of high end and has the patents to prove it! Other cables are just that..cables. Best test, sit your butt in row 5 of the BSO and then go home and compare the music on your rig with and without MIT in the chain. This assumes the equipment and everything else is synergized and matched! This is all MY experience of course.
As others have said, avoid line conditioners for amps. Good dedicated lines with isolated grounding will help quite a bit, along with high quality wall receptacles. Ensure your entire system is at the same ground potential to minimize noise. You can use isolation transformers if desired and if properly sized.
Thanks for all the reply

I have a dedicated power amp line for the hifi, in Norway since we are using 230V it is quite unusal with 20A supplies, but I have a dedicated 16A@230 V supply.

I have been a bit in doubt about conditioner for power amps since I have read that many kills the dynamic.
However, positive feeling with the conditioner on the source, so interesting in experience for power amps,

I use good power cables but due to the amount of power cables it is a bit expencive to test others.

