Anyone using two McIntosh 275's in bridged mono?

I am driving a pair of JM Lab Alto Utopia speakers and am purchasing an MC2300 tube pre from Mac. I am either going to use a pair of MC 501's (500 watt mono transistor) or a pair of MC 275's (75 watt/ch tube stereo--150watt mono). I tried the MC 2102 (100 watt/ch tube stereo) and it seemed to "run out of gas". Has anyone tried a pair of MC 275's bridged to get 150 watts? How was your experience? What were you driving with them and at what volume levels do you usually listen?

Thanks for all responses,
Just FYI guys, it's 90/180 watts, not 75/150. McIntosh just wanted to keep the '75' badging but the pwr. tranny is now 490V ;-)

Rick, did the soundstage improve after you changed the tubes?
thanks guys. the power sounds like it will be enough. i think i am going to go this route.

Let me know what you find out. I have a pair of JM Lab Alto Utopia too. Thanks.

I agree with you about 1 x MC2102 running out of puff. Try mono blocking the MC2102's in parallel or bridged 4ohms and you wil be blown away with the imporvement in every area.

I have had the MC501's at home and 2 x MC2102's blows them out of the water.

BTW, The C2300 is a great pre amp. I have one at home at the moment.

BTW, I have not heard the MC275.