darTZeel NHB-18NS

Does it make sense to use the darTZeel NHB-18NS with other amplifiers? My fear is that the darTZeel amplifier will not be the best match for power hungry Avalon Indra speakers.

I listen mostly to vinyl and was tempted by the darTZeel given the integrated phono-stage, as an upgarde from my current Nagra PL-L with VPS phono stage.

I gathered that some of the renowned reviewer (US & UK) have chosen the darTZeel NHB-18NS as preamp whilst little is said on the amplifier side.

My idea is to partner the darTZeel NHB-18NS with the VAC 300.1. I have not and will not be able to audition the combination. I did hear the Indra's with the CAT JL2 signature that has similar power to the VAC.

Avalon (over the phone) say that VAC should be a good/great match.

Thanks for your views & comments.
Check with member Jonathan Tinn of Chambers audio. I believe he sells Dartzeel and VAC so he has the knowledge to help. The Dartzeel preamp is the best I have owned and has a killer phono stage