McCormack Amp Upgrades

Looking for comments on McCormack amp upgrades, either done by McCormack or other modifiers. I'm getting a DNA-1 shortly (stock) and am looking for a cost effective upgrade. SMc offers silver, gold, and platinum upgrades. Would appreciate any comments regarding upgrades they got and the difference in sound. Spending as much (or more) on upgrades as the amp cost is significant, and when you look at the total investment you could move up to a more expensive/newer amp. Hope to hear a noticeable difference when spending $900 or more on upgrades. You can reach a point of diminishing returns when spending this much or more on upgrades, as you sit in your chair and try to convince yourself that you are hearing something better. What have you tried or heard? Do you think it is worth spending $900 to $2000+ in upgrades for this amp? Or should I use for a while, then move up to a stock DNA-225 or something else like a Pass Labs X150 or X250? Speakers are VS-4.5. Thanks for your comments and opinions.
I used to own a pair of DNA-1 monoblocks which I purchased in their stock configuration. Later, I sent them back to McCormack for the "Deluxe" upgrade (highest level available at the time.....SMC was not yet in existence).

I was never sorry for doing so. Well worth the money and time it took. Nowadays the SMC upgrades are even better than the 'Deluxe'.

I kept those amps for probably another 4 or 5 years before deciding to sell them and move on. I even paired them for awhile with a Cary SLP-98 tube preamp and found the combination to be very very good together.

If you decide to go through with it, don't let some of the others talk you out of it. The DNA amps are one of the great unsung values in high end equipment. They may not have the cachet of some of the more popular units, but when you fire yours up and sit back to'll snicker yourself silly at all the extra money some of those others paid trying to get the sound you have.


I had a pair of DNA-1 monoblocks driving Vandersteen 3A Sigs, gave those up for a pair of DNA-1 Dlx Golds (non momoblocked) that are vertically driving the Vandy's now and they are so much better than the monoblocks, I put the monoblocks back in a couple of weeks back and the bass was so over driven they didn't last the weekend (too much power). I also have a McCormack Micro Line Drive and a Micro Phono Drive that I had upgraded to Gold and they are not the same peaces of equipment they were before the upgrade, I know because I have the stock versions of both in my computer room. A great example of the improvements that I can give is on Dave Brubecks "Time Out", while Dave is playing the piano, as the hammer is striking the strings, with the stock equipment it sounds as if there is a layers of felt on the hammers and with each upgrade a layer of that felt is removed, making the notes sound more real and less like a reproduction. The funny part is without hearing this I didn't realize I was missing it. When doing a comparison I could not believe the difference. I tried the MLD in place of my TLC-1 Dlx and everything just became that much clearer, greater transparency, with more depth along with quieter, blacker back grounds, wow I was in heaven. The improvement were so great I've scheduled my TLC for the Full Monty with the Carbon wiring. Yes the bad part is you can only get back about half of your investment on the upgrades but if you have plans to sell your equipment down the road then you would be better off waiting till a modified unit comes up online and do a comparison then. By the way many Agoner's here recommend a tube preamp with the McCormack's and with the power demands that your Von Schweikert's have you just might wind up with an outstanding combination.
A great example of the improvements that I can give is on Dave Brubecks "Time Out", while Dave is playing the piano, as the hammer is striking the strings, with the stock equipment it sounds as if there is a layers of felt on the hammers and with each upgrade a layer of that felt is removed, making the notes sound more real and less like a reproduction.

That's an interesting claim.
Because the piano hammers do have a layer of felt. If the upgraded amps "removed" this layer of felt, this would make the stock amps more accurate now, wouldn't it.

This is precisely the reason I sold the modded SMc amp. It was not natural sounding, was colored, inacurate and caused listener fatigue. The big improvement over the stock amp was the improved soundstage size. Tonality was not as accurate as it was with the stock amplifier.
Thank you everyone for your responses. I hooked up the DNA-1 for the first time (just got it yesterday) and am floored by the amount of power, clarity and finesse. I think I could live with it as is and not be disappointed. I'm waiting to hear back from SMC to see what they recommend as a "cost effective" upgrade for this amp. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying it just the way it is. I'm using the Cary AES AE-3 DJH tube preamp. I agree that a tube preamp is a great match to this solid state amp. I may or may not go for an upgrade. It all boils down to degrees of improvement. Since I can't borrow an upgraded amp from anywhere I just have to go with people's experiences with upgraded DNA-1's. I also will ask SMC if the upgraded DNA-1 is better than the stock DNA-225. If not, then maybe it's best to use this one for a while, sell it and buy a DNA-225. Anyone have a chance to directly compare an upgraded DNA-1 to the DNA-225?
Thank you, I've learned something new today, I did not know that about the hammers on a piano, I guess I and will have to go back and see what it is that my system is presenting to me then. I'm new to the high end of audio and still learning the terminology, so this is whats meant by Tonality? I can see your point about the upgrades possibly causing listener fatigue especially if the speakers your hooking them to are very revealing to start with. A very revealing amplifier with a very revealing speaker might be very very revealing. I guess this is what they call system synergy that comes with system matching? Still so much to learn. But like I said the upgrades make "the notes sound more real and less like a reproduction" in my system. So with that said.

If you live within about 3 hours of Philadelphia and are willing, I would be more than willing to bring my pair of McCormack Dlx Golds to you place so that you can experience the upgrades and determine for yourself if they will be a good match in your system. And maybe learn something more about this system matching stuff for myself.