Spectron MIII MKII after market tweeks ?

Pls share your tweeks on your Spectron MIII MKII power amps.
I know the power cord and isolation devices makes a difference. At the moment I am powering up 3 pcs MIII MKII with PAD Dominus Ferox and installed Finite Elemente Cerapucs.
Each amp is feed on it's dedicated 20 amp 120 vac line.
The results are easily felt especially with more clarity of the bass notes.
I am considering adding the Remote Sense Cables, however, I operate 2 amps in mono and I am not sure if the Remote Sense applies in mono mode and what benefit versus the price of the Elrod cables.

Thank you.
Hi Simon, I enjoyed reading your review of the Elrod Gold Statement power cord. I just put the Silver Statement power cord into my system but directly from the wall into my Spectron amp. I have had many of the same results as you though the Gold's results are I'm sure more so. It did, though, take a few days for the Silver's to settle into my system, or maybe the reverse of that. Kind of like my amp and speakers were using muscles they had never used before.

I will probably write a full review but I will quickly say this. The increased clarity is phenomenal. And the increased clarity results in increased presence. It is like the musicians/instruments/vocalists have been dropped in front of me in my living room. That is the increased perceived volume you are hearing I believe.
"It is like the musicians/instruments/vocalists have been dropped in front of me in my living room. That is the increased perceived volume you are hearing I believe. "

You are probably right and it is highly possible but I decided not to speculate as to the reason why I moved volume control one notch down (2.5 - 3 dB) - just report what I heard and what I felt. With my current panel speakers - you need a lots of air to move to create the bass comparable to that of huge subwofers I owned before - and when I heard it but 10 times better (TIGHT - I did not know what really tight bass is until I heard it, felt it and rich and deep...)

I did not auditioned Elrod silver power cords but I own his older Statement (and Signature) cords and the difference, for me at least, was shocking.

Thank you
Hi Simon,

Nice review! I recently added the Statement Silver Power Cord in my system. I was looking for a power cord specifically for my Joule Electra Marianne Memorial Edition preamp. This cord, from day one, brought up more clarity, transparency and tighter/deeper bass to the sound presentation. The sound just pops with uncanny control and speed, particularly the bass notes. The mid-range has very life-like tonal balance and the highs are just pristine.

During the time I've had this cord, I've been taken for a quite unexpected ride. Adding this cord didn't feel or sound like adding a power cord, but more like adding an audio component. I guess this must be one of the reasons why the company is called Elrod Power Systems.

This raises the question of how blacker can black get. Well, with this cord, and borrowing from the paint industry's way of naming products, I'll call it spooky black.



Hello Isanchez,

While I did not compare directly Silver versus Gold Statement power cords I compared the Gold with the old Statement I owned and results of my observation are in my review.

I know much, much better David Elrod speaker cables - all of them except $21k Statement (sorry) and I believe and David also told me many times that speaker cables and power cords have similar sonic signature. If so then by comparing Silver speaker cables with Gold I must tell you that while there are many similarities its day/night difference.

I wanted to upgrade my power cord feeding my CD Player by Silver Signature and I ordered...Gold Statement (I could not help it....) which David kindly promised to build before lunch but didn't yet..;--)
-actually, for the records it takes about 10-14 days to build Elrod cable.

Thank you
Fellow Spectron owners, I have had the Elrod Signature Silver speaker cables for a little over a month and I just added the Elrod Statement Silver Power cord a couple of weeks ago. I have already written a glowing review of the speaker cables and I will probably do the same for the power cord.

Times are tough but if you can swing it these are the cables to go with your Spectrons (and probably most other amps). Both the Elrod speaker cables and power cords will have your Spectrons working at their optimum. This is synergy in spades.