Sennheiser HD 650's thin sounding?

Just received a new pair of HD650's to replace my dead HD580's and they sound so thin!!!

I'm using a Headroom home headamp with a NAD 542 CD, Kimber PBJ's and stock HD650 cable.

What is the deal with these phones? My 580's had much more bottom end slam and bloom in the mid bass? Is it a burn in issue or defective phones? Anyone have a similar issue?
Spiritualized, I'm pretty sure that your'e right regarding the X-can. I noticed today that the latest version has been removed from the market. I have come to believe that all Musical Fidelity gear is nothing more than mid-fi at best.
Yesterday, I heard a pair of MF Titan's at a friends... they were a joke, my friend is taking them back as soon as he can. Overpriced total garbage as far as I could tell!
I agree that its unlikely that the 650s are the problem, unless of course they are counterfeit. I'd never describe my 650s as thin. Some might find them a bit laid back, but thin they are not. Never heard the X-can amp. Is there a possibility of an impedance mis-match btwn the can and the amp?
Grado PS1000s have far better resolving power and refinement.
I moved from the 650s to those. You will probably get significant improvement for the 650s from APS (A Pure Sound) or Zu 650-specific headphone cables (at least I did,
but the Grado PS1000s in stock form are in another league
to my ears). Check out the big headphone sites for this.