Wilson Sophia2s demand better than AYRE V5xe, so..

...What would you recommend?

Just took delivery of Wilson Sophia 2s. Plinius CD101 - Ayre K1xe - Ayre V5xe - Sophia 2s. Synergistic Research cables.

The K1xe is very good, I'd like to keep it, but I need a new amp.

The V5xe is too lean in the midbass, no texture or bloom. Soundstage is okay, but not "full" enough. No deep bass!

At the RMAF, I liked VAC phi 200s on the Von Schweikert VR-9se AND on the Greshman Black Swans as a point of reference.

I'm open to tubes or SS, but I think tubes might get me where I want to go. I'm looking for very full and detailed imaging that absolutely floats in the air, with intense layering, body and texture. I need better control over these speakers, and stronger deep bass output, speakers sound too thin now. I want fullness of images like MBL speakers, but with a more natural, involving midrange like the best Acapellas.

Budget is 10k new or used. Again, looking for a warmer, natural sound with very delineated images that complement my dynamic Wilson speakers, so don't underpower me!...
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The Sophias are broken in. They were purchased and set up by an authorized dealer as a "demo" pair.

My dealer is pushing VTL MB450 SII and VTL 6.5 pre, but at $26.5k, plus CA taxes, I don't see the value. The MB450s at $15k is a little spendy, but it may be one of the best options.


Thinking outside the box are you? Swaping the preamp could be a good idea, I'll borrow my dealers VTL 6.5 and see where it takes me with the Ayre amp.


I have a Plinius 9200 integrated which does okay with the Sophias and sounds more magical than the Ayre, but lacks control, impact and transparency. A bigger Plinius could be the ticket since I've got Plinius as a source?

Not enough experience with the other brands mentioned, but great ideas everyone...
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oh yeah...if you get the 6.5 you will probably like it a lot. I'd be interested to know your results.
I'd save up a few more bucks and get the Ayre MXR monoblocks. I agree with you on the K5x, I had one and it never floated my boat. I found happiness with a set of Parasound JC-1s, maybe not the best but really good for the money. I also have the K1-x and love it.
Two comments, take them for what they are worth:

1) Spend the $50 on Jim Smith's new book. I would be willing to bet that you will find what you are looking for with a bit of tweaking rather than buying a new amp. (I'm sure that MusicSlug's perceptive question about speaker break in would be covered in the book.)

2) If after going through the book, make sure that you audition whatever amp you are considering *in home*, *in your system*. That's the only way you are going to know if the new amp will give you what you are looking for. It may turn out that the problem isn't the amp at all, but any one of the other components in your system (including the cables, which by all rights should cost less than an amp, but probably don't).

Good luck in your search for better sound!