High Quality Fuses in Amps

Question: Are the so called 'high quality' amplifier fuses really worth the money? I have a set of 1999 VTL 125 mono-blocks and I need to replace a fuse. Anyone tried the HIFI Tuning slow blow B+ rail fuses? They are kinda pricey at $29.95 each... Will they make a positive improvement in a good rig?
This topic is has been thoroughly covered in the threads. Try a thread search for "fuse".
The threads are full of opinions. Many from those who have not tried the fuses, and won't. I have, and in my Cary monoblocks they were worth every penny.
I've tried both the Isoclean slow-blow fuse ($35.00) and Cryoparts deep-cryoed ceramic slow-blow fuse ($7.75) in my amp and prefer the Cryoparts fuse.