Personal Preamp Evolution.

Yamaha C-80, Yamaha C-2, Sumo Athena, Blue Circle BC3, Blue Circle BC3000, Hovland HP100 and Antique Sound Lab TwinHead.
Marantz 3200,Hafler DH 101,Audio Research SP 7,Audio Research LS 15,Morrison ELAD,Cary 98L,Edge SL 1,Modwright 9.0SE,Supratek Syrah,Aesthetix Calypso,Audio Horizons TP 2.0,
REF 3,Jeff Rowland Capri.My reference piece remains the Audio Horizons,pound for pound it's simply the best.This opinion is based solely on use in my system and is not an absolute.
1) Pre-amp stage of an Arcam Alpha 7R integrated

2) Musical Fidelity A308

3) BAT VK-31SE

-looking at that list, those are 2 very large steps
First, Kenwood KC-106 From 1987-1997
Then system broke down, and got a crappy receiver.
2. Kenwood KC-206 with remote from Nov.1997-March 1999.
3. Kenwood Basic C-2 From march 1999-July 1999
4. Yamaha CX-1000 Multi-voltage July 1999-July 2003
5. Adcom GTP-600 (10 steps back in sound and control
quality). Sept.2003-Jan.2005
6. Pioneer Elite C-91 Jan. 2005-present
1) Onkyo 304 RS
2) Audio Research LS3
3) Krell Krc 3
4) Eastern Electric Minimax
5) deHavilland UltraVerve
David Hafler DH-101
Lazarus tube pre amp
Klyne 6lx3p
PSE hl-1
Span of 22 years.