Repairing older amps

A very general question: Are there certain brands that are easier to keep going, either because the companies provide support, or the designs are simple or well-documented? Or could a good tech repair just about any amp?

I'm looking to spend about $500 on a used SS power amp delivering about 100 wpc, and am considering older models of brands like Classe and Acurus. Any suggestions appreciated.
If you have a good tech.....that's 3/4's of the battle in my experience....well designed equipment is certainly important. A good tech can add so much value added...I bow down to the one I use.
Keep in mind that repairs can be expensive. So, don't buy a broken one thinking it will be cheap to fix. Some of these when they blow, they really BLOW (ie Threshold). Also, some amps have really matured over the years. Original Acurus was extremely harsh/sibilant. Where Classe has kept it even over the years.