Should I get a new amp?

I just picked up a fresh pair of Focal/JMLab Electra 1027be's and I'm now looking toward a possible amp upgrade. Currently, I have an older Outlaw 750 (165w x 5 @ 8ohm) pushing them but I'm itching to upgrade. Question is, will I really hear a big difference? That's when all you guys come in with your opinions :-)

My amp budget is about $1,500 (used from A-Gon is fine) and I'm only interested in 2 channel amps. I would continue to push the rest of my HT speakers with the Outlaw, so this amp would be dedicated to the 1027s.

This would also be for about 95% music, 5% HT.

I can get an Anthem Statement A2 for about $1,000 or a P2 for about $2,000 (little over budget...but might be willing to stretch) but I don't know if there is something better in my price range.

And finally, my room is narrow. 11' wide, 20' long (with an open back), and 7.5" high (basement). My speakers are on the short wall firing down the room toward the open end. I tend to sit about 7' off the speakers for listening.

Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated, as always.

Thanks guys!

Vett93, I would think that the 1027be's would be easy to drive with a 50W or greater power amp since they seem efficient at 91db nominal impedance with low frequency range 38Hz.
My power amps arated at 78 watts into 8 ohms, but they do admit the impedance will fall into the mid 4 range. The amps have excellent big power trannies and I would hurt myself if I really pushed the amps. They get so loud I haven't clipped them to my thinking yet. The sensitiviuty should be about 90-94 DB/W/M. You don't need to to do a derivitive just get good amps.
Cyclonicman, my Alto Utopia is also 91dB. I have a pair of 50Wpc KT88 monoblocks for my 2nd system. They are not enough to drive my Altos. Cello sounds like violin! LOL....
It sound like the speakers need a lot of current, not voltage (watts)and with that you are pretty much left with SS, very powerful tube amps (and heavy and expensive), or a hybrid tub amp like the Music Reference or the Moscode amps.
I'll second the 100 wpc notion for tube amps... or in that area.

Watts is watts BUT power supplies aren't all made equally.

That's where many transformer based tube amps differ. Manley, Dodd, McIntosh, Cary, VTL, Prima Luna, Quicksilver, CJ, etc... all use 'em. Spend a little or spend a lot. your pick. Older models weill be more traditional sounding... bigger, fatter, wetter ... rich and warm.

The flavor of the tube amp will ususally folow the tube types being employed. Changing either the splitter/driver tubes and/or the output tubes will 'alter' the sound.

I can run a pair of 3way towers, 87db, 4ohm, speakers which drop to 2ohms at times with my 120 wpc Dodd mono blocks... easily. Without cranking up the volume. In a 14x21x8 room... in a smaller room of 10x12x8 I don't even think of a sub. in the larger room one could come in handy.

your room and preffs will determine if you need well more than 100wpc.

Find a good tube vendor too. That'll help immensely. Possibly not too much with price, but with quality of the tubes you may wish to try.

tube pre?
Like with anything in audio... you can spend as much as you wish there, just like with the amp (s). Some well reviewed pres run right at a grand or so preowned.

When I got back into this deal I found the sound I liked the best was in fact provided by tubes... so far anyhow. All tubes power train... digital front ends. but there sure is some thing to say for a tube preamp and a nice SS amp... which would be my suggestion to begin with given your speakers. As I feel that energetic top end could well be eased up with simply that... a decent tube preamp and a nice SS amp. VTL makes a 2 point something or other that's pretty nice pre. Later on if you don't want it or wish to move on up, selling it shouldn't be too difficult.

there's tons out there, and only yourself can ultimately be the judge. Maybe stick with something wherein the company is still in business first though.

repairs & upkeep?
biasing. If a bias model is the choice. Self biased? Well, then just turning it on and off. tubes last a good long time if new or New old stock... NOS. A good lloonnggg time... years in fact.

Havve fun.