Preamp for McCormack DNA-125 Gold? Budget $2k

Any ideas for a preamp match for my McCormack DNA-125 Gold upgrade? It is actually just short of Gold (I didn't have $1750 to spend on the upgrade, but did have $1500, so it is close). My speakers are Tyler Acoustics Linbrook Signatures (not very demanding). I have been using a CJ PV5a preamp: not the best unit, I know.

My budget is $2000 used (or new). Should I pursue a balanced preamp and then consider getting the amp upgraded with balanced IC's as well? That adds another $500 to the cost of the amp, but I could always do it at a later date.

My other option would be to sell the McCormack and get a good integrated for $3500 used. Not having heard any good ones, I don't know if this would best a decent preamp and the DNA-125 Gold.

My musical tastes tend to be classical and jazz.
Get yourself a good, transparent tube preamp. There's a few of us here who run McCormack amps with Audio Prism Mantissa pre, or a Red Rose if you want to pay the name premium. Hard to find but they do come up for sale from time to time.

There are certainly others out there, but I would go tubes for sure over solid state.

Balanced I/Os does not mean the component is a differentially balanced design. Unless the McCormick is, I would sell it. Actually, I would sell it either way...

You can buy a new Wyred 4 Sound SX 250 for this. There's a pair of SX 500 monos on AG for $1400. I would grab them. I own the W4S MC 250/500, 4 channel amp for biamping. They are balanced designs but have RCA inputs, too. So do what you need for now, but move toward a differentially balanced system.

I am using the Raysonic 168 with built-in variable tube outs direct to my active XO then to my amp. The tube output compared to a $3K balanced pre I was using, so I sold it.
no affiation, but there is a classic motif(by cj)on audiogon with phono...rare and of the all time great pre's....nice with the mccormack too.