Most resolving solid state amp you've ever heard?

I'm looking for the most resolved power amp possible for my new speakers and would love some input.
A lot of money:FM acoustics, Soulution, MBL, Dartzeel,the bigs EAR, Spectral but with Marten I have my doubts..
Less money and practically as good:symphonic line, Pass

With Marten Dukes, surely I will look at tubes, some OTL will be fantastic
I agree - Eagle 4, or Eagle 2C' (same amp, different face plate) I have both.
Odyssey Mono Extreme "glass ceiling" or save the upgrade cost and time and check out the new Kismet's. I have the glass ceiling Extremes. I am so impressed that I'm selling all my high priced tube gear.
Jeff Rowland was great with many different speakers. i used the Concentra, resolving, with no SS edge.
How Amp is going to be resolving? Amp by definition is a very simple electronic device that amplifies already existing signal. Is there technical specification in amp's manual that rates something called " resolution"?