Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar?

The idea of having 550 wpc of SET sound is very enticing; especially when Audio Advisor is offering a special to die for. Half off list. I suppose MF is not moving this baby? I wonder if it is because the amp is not delivering the goods, or there just isn't a market. Stereophool/Fremmer gave it an excellent review. I would love to hear some first hand experience or reliable second hand with this baby. thanks in advance, warren

I own Druids, so I definitely understand the possibilities at 101dB sensitivity. If the Superchargers will give you the sonics you desire, you'll certainly be able to blow the house down running them into your Def 1.5s. Better warn your neighbors!

Dear Warren, you should read better this is for one demo pair which is probably gone already.

The MF super chargers sound really great when used correctly.
ouch! That's a whole different story at $5k, though I see them now and again on the 'gon for about $2.5k and even a little less.
Take a look at the December number of Stereophile. MF has introduced a 750 supercharger at a much higher price point. In the same review, JA and the Cantus guy he records both remark on how hard and cold the 550 sounds in comparison with the 750. The 550 is now half price everywhere--at all the web-based mail order stores.
I have a hard time accepting something like the supercharger. It reminds me of the "power boosters" they sold for car audio 20 years ago. You added it to your existing head unit and it boosted the power along with the distortion, hiss, etc. What am I missing here?