Has any had experiecne with the MF 550k superchar?

The idea of having 550 wpc of SET sound is very enticing; especially when Audio Advisor is offering a special to die for. Half off list. I suppose MF is not moving this baby? I wonder if it is because the amp is not delivering the goods, or there just isn't a market. Stereophool/Fremmer gave it an excellent review. I would love to hear some first hand experience or reliable second hand with this baby. thanks in advance, warren
Well, as my old Italian landlord use to say: "whattagonnado." I was hoping, at the least, to get a reliable second hand word. I'll try the post again in a couple of months.
Warrenh--read the "Follow up" review of the 550 towards the back of the December number, written by a professional singer. Used both on its own and as a supercharger on his Aleph. Basic sonic characteristics didn't change either way, just mitigated somewhat by the Aleph. His experience echoes Elberoth 2. JA found the 750 much better, but at its price point it would make more sense to start from scratch and get a much better amp, rather than using the supercharger as a $$$ bandaid.
I thought the Aleph was SS? I'm (STILL) looking for a tuber who owns a 550. If the basics "don' change either way," isn't that what a SET guy would be looking for? Don't want to change the SET sound.
I should have expressed myself more clearly. The reviewer found that the inherent sonic characteristics of the 550 (cold, hard, compressed sound stage, etc. etc.) did not basically change when used as an amp or as a supercharger; they were more pronounced when it was used as an amp, and mitigated somewhat by the interaction with the positive sonic features of the Aleph. The Aleph is one of the more of the more "tubey" ss amps out there, but--yes--certainly isn't an SET.
It's been almost a year now. Has anybody used the 550K as a supercharger? Were the results as advertised by the vendor?