How much power for Teledyne AR-9's

both tube and solid state. Really looking for recommendations in amplification under 2K.

Thanks -
HMMM, great speaker, I sold mine a few years ago. I liked the Aragon 4004 MKII with them (around $800 used) giving you 400w. I would say get something 200w minimumm ofcourse you can go less but you will never be able to crank and hear what those babies can really do. I never did tubes but did use Parasound, Aragon, Carver and Rotel with great results. For such an older model you may want to just get a great used amp for cheap. Thats an awesome speaker and I wish I kept mine, cheers
Well my wife just showed me a picture of a Phase Linear D-500 series II and said Merry Christmas!!! It should be here next week sometime so I guess we will seen what the 9's think of it!!!!