Acquiring an awesome system, but how?

At this point I am making some changes to my system that may raise eyebrows as have in the past. But it's my money and my ears so here goes.
If one was to count all the makers of high end stuff and multiply by how many pieces will be included to create a system one would get the statistics of possibilities of combinations. I bet it's as high as our deficit, did I have to bring that up?
Well it mind as well be infinite because no one can even approach a fraction of all the possibilities.
I still haven't picked up an atma-sphere mp-1 preamp, so every now and then I look at the forum and see some suggestions for preamps to see if something comes up with raving reviews.
Well most of us know it's mostly synergy that makes a system excellent.
I thought the experienced goners can shed some light and offer suggestions as to what will make lasting purchases.
On my end I was amazed at how good the atma-sphere m60 sounded while it was running, now it is on hold till some things get resolved and so now I am back to the sim w-5 and it still satisfies. But I would like to do some more comparative listening, because the atmas sounded so good. I have no intentions of letting go of the atma's by the way.
I am still after the mbl sound and will be experimenting with some non-mainstream designs. I have some good ideas that will take time to bring to fruition.
But as for the reason for the thread, please share with us what systems made the biggest impressions and how one achieved them without breaking the bank?
Please include what systems sounded the best to you.
Thanks for all your responses.
Mrtennis, simply looking for something like what Nilthepill contributed. Especially sinc Nilthepill has an appreciation for mbl.
Thanks N. I know what you mean, my system is not in the same caliber, but it is approaching what you described and I anticipate through my determination to get there some day soon.
It would be interesting to see if fm acoustics or dartzeel to be in the same league?
i guess all of us are looking for the sound of live music in our listening rooms. how close can we come ?

i think obtaining the "best" recordings may be most effective at creating the illusion of live music.

as to components, there are many that will get you where you want to go. as for digital, i prefer the very first audio aero capitole and the very first zanden dac, as compared to their respective current versions.

i still feel that a large panel, e.g., magnepan 20.1, big sound lab, stacked quad 57s, or apogee will get bcloser to the real thing than any cone design.

i also feel that tubes are more natural sounding than solid state.

in summary, tubes in digital, large panels, tube amp and preamp and pick your own cables will get you where you want to go.
I agree!!!
Tubes and panels are awesome!
My atma's sound great, can't wait to mate it with its pre.
Also, I have found that all one make cabling (phono, digital, ic, pcs, with one type of power conditioner) help retain that 'synergy' that you have achieved after so much hard work. Remember not to screw it up ;-).

And I agree. Tubes are preferable. All the way.
I agree with above, however, I have found that there are expensive mistakes along the way. If you want to peruse this ofttimes elusive goal you have to just shrug your shoulders and move on. I have spent many thousands of dollars on stuff that ultimately disappointed. I have found more success however in finding a corporate sound that I like, and buying many components from the same company. It seems to me that the same tastes as mine are in play, and there is less of a chance of incompatibility between the components. ..just my take...

< I tend to agree with Stringreen here..

Let your "favorite DJ" (manufacturers) do the mixin' and play his best tunes, we just sit back and enjoy the music!