Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?

I would be very interested in finding out how one manages to justify (or sneak in the home) expensive audio equipment without having to sell your soul to the Devil? It's quite a challenge for many of us I think. I heard of someone buying a Bel Canto DAC and telling his girlfriend that " Oh it's just a $ 100.00 power conditionner", or whatever. Seem like we need to get creative here if we can pursue this crazy hobby much longer! Regards All...
I use to sneak the stuff in. Hide the receipt. Tell sales people never to call under any circumstances. But that never worked. Her not knowing became much worse then knowing. Now I fess up when I buy something. I always try to sell something soon after to help off-set the cost. Half the time she has to recieve the item ups when I'm not at home anyway. Better off confessing early.
You folks are great : )

Besides Lorne's "suggestions" making me chuckle, i especially liked the "return rate" on Dekay's audio expenditures. He gets $100 of tubes, she gets a $1 "toy" !!! I bet other guys wish they had the same 100:1 "exchange ratio" !!!

I guess i'm just "lucky". While i'm not married, i've lived with my girlfriend for about 5 years now. Once our common living expenses / bills are paid, my money is my money and her money is her money. This way, we are both happy and responsible for our own actions and expenditures. The fact that she makes more money than i do and i end up paying for most of or a larger percentage of our meals somehow hasn't gotten fully figured out yet, but i'm working on it : )

In terms of electronics / audio gear though, she does "get on me" once in a while. If she starts making comments about how much i just spent or how much "junk" i have stacked up everywhere, i just tell her "let's compare the resale value of ONE of my amplifiers to ALL of your shoes or clothes". She usually shuts up REAL quick... Sean
I consider myself lucky in that, while by no means rich, my wife and I have separate incomes and checking accounts, but we share a "household" account. I feel sure that this system has spared us a LOT of anguish.

Also, like Vegasears above, she'd much rather see me involved with the seemingly harmless hobby of high-end audio rather than smoking, drinking, doing drugs, and general carousing and hell raising in our community. You can get 2 CDs for the cost of a carton of cigarettes (I'm not trying sound self-righteous here as I smoked for 19 years, and also quit 19 years ago :>). Cheers. Craig
Loved this post, and Lornecherry you cracked me up. Sean also posted a similar understanding that I have with my wife, " Once our common living expenses / bills are paid, my money is my money and her money is her money ".

My wife has never questioned me when I buy an expensive LP or a piece of stereo gear, and I have never questioned her when she buys an expensive mirror for the house (As an example).

It works for us, and I love her for it.
