ARC LS26 performance for $2500-3000?


I have been auditioning an ARC LS26 for the past few days. It is a very nice! A lot more detailed than my Dehavilland Ultraverve, and more crisp, with air under the instruments. I am quite impressed. The things I enjoy about this pre are the detail, presentation (quite neutral), nice soundstage, and the general very musical presentation without being overly tubey. It seems to build on what the Dehavilland does, but only does it quite a bit better. I am hearing background instruments with more clarity than ever before: it is as if somebody washed my window after a big dust storm.

Unfortunately, I have budget issues (they didn't have the LS17 available for demo, and the LS26 is quite a bit more than I was looking to spend). Is there anything available for $2000-$2500 (max $3k) used or new that can match the LS26? If not, I guess I should start saving! My other preferred option would be a Herron VTSP-3, but that is even more $. I tend to prefer tube preamps, and SS amps. I have auditioned the Dehavilland (very nice with a Tung-sol Black Glass, but nowhere as detailed as the LS26, very easy to listen to and a great deal), a Classe CP-700 (smooth, easygoing, nice control, but a little flat) an Eastern Electric MInimax (nice tube pre, but definitely a price-point item, with a smaller soundstage but otherwise similar presentation to the Dehavilland).

Here are some that may have come up as options:

Lamm LL2 Deluxe
Joule Electra LA-100
Sonic Frontiers Line 3 SE (one just went for $2450)
Dodd Battery Pre
Pass X1

These all fall within my price range. I am sure there are many others. Amp choice is currently the McCormack DNA-225, to be upgraded by SMC in the future. With this combo, everything seems to sound good, it is just that the LS26 was way ahead of the others in terms of clarity, soundstage, and detail. I would rather save for the LS26 than save a few $ at this point in time and get something inferior, but if I could get something similar at $2500, I would be even happier!
Um, because if you read the original post that is one of the pre-amps he is considering...
The sleeper preamp is the ARC LS25 MKI wtih NOS or used vintage tubes. In my opinion, with good tubes (Mullard or Telefunken 6DJ8 ) the LS25 MKI betters the LS25 MKII in terms of musicality and liquidity, while matching the bass articulation of the MKII. The price of a used MKI should be reasonable.

On VTSP3, I up-graded from VTSP-2 but after a few months, exchanged back to VTSP-2! VTSP3 is not as musical and requires a carful matchup with your power amps.
Luna, I totally disagree. I have the VTSP-3, and it is head and shoulders above the VTSP-2. It has a much blacker background; it is far more detailed; its tonality is spot on; it has better base; and it is far more musical. The VTSP-3 is like a chameleon and will change its character depending on the power cord and the interconnects that one chooses. The pre-amp is so revealing that one can readily discern changes in interconnects and power cords. Nordost Frey between source and the VTSP-3 and Cardas Golden Reference between my Rowland Model 10 and the VTSP-3 are great. Dave Herron knows what he is doing and would never take a step backwards in redesigning his brilliant preamp. In going from the VTSP-2 to the VTSP-3, he did not make the changes merely to charge more money. He is a fanatic when it comes to sound quality. sflazor
Raquel and Eee3,

May I ask if the ARC LS-5MkIII would be significantly better than the LS-16? Is it true that this pre is close to the LS-26's performance? Since some preferred this over the Ref3 I guess the LS-5MkIII must be something special. Thanks in advance.