The future of Tubes

Why can't tubes be made today that are as good as the NOS?

I realize that back in the day tubes were in everything and my guess is, due to that demand, there was a higher priority put on making good tubes. Is that correct?

Is is naive to think that with our 'advanced' technology we should be able to make tubes at least as good as they were? Lastly, as expensive as many NOS tubes are getting can one assume we're close to the end of the NOS? (i.e. good 6922's) I'm sure this is the case with the 6H30's.

Apologies if this is common knowledge, I've tried the archives and google.. Thank you if you can share your thoughts or point me to some information.

Well if someone would possibly win a $500,000,000 lottery and then, approach New Sensor and pay them to manufacture something to NOS standards.....

Funny thing though- I have been shopping for various 12v pre tubes, and 6SN7 tubes and have noticed that NOS can be had for less ( or a bit more money ) than current production tubes. So I'm thinking " might as well buy NOS " Even a not so desired NOS sounds better to my ears than current production tubes. I just wonder if the folks manufacturing the tubes notice their is not much of a price difference. But I suppose they figure eventually the NOS will run out and they will be the only game in town. Maybe when that happens as of us NOS lovers will pool our money together and pay these folks to crank out a better tube. But then again, maybe we will lower our standard.
Ok, sorry for stealing the thread, but this is kind of related. just got a quick question.....

Don't want to get Tung-Sol lovers all hot and bothered. But I have a few NOS 6550 tubes laying around that I might unload. I see them still on ebay. Are they getting less in quantity or should I hold off for a year or so?