$2500.00 to spend on int.amp and cd player

I have a budget of $2500.00 to spend on an intergrated amp and cd player.Leaning heavily on Rogue Cronus amp and NAD cd player.My speakers are Paradigm Monitor 7.Anybody have suggestions.
You could get the Naim Nait and CD5i. You can get the newest version (italic i)for about $2k right now on A'gon. The Naim Nait gets universal praise for its musical sound.
Cronus is great. If you can get a modded SACD from Sony (either a modwright or Vacuum State) it would be much better than a retail unit at that price. My VSE Level-5 Sony SACD beats up on the Cary units mentioned above, and cost me $1100 here on the 'gon.
Thanks for the suggestions. I finally settled on a Rogue Audio Tempest II Magnum,Cary CDP-1 and changed my speakers to Tyler Acoustics 7U. I love the way this set-up sounds.
Musical Fidelity A308 integrated and A308 cd player. I have had this combination in the past along with Paradigm Studio 40 v3 speakers. It was a great combination. The A308 series components are built like tanks. I see there are some used on Audiogon now, and can be had within your budget. I do not know the sellers.