Suggestions for a Pre-Amp for Welborne 300B DRDs

Looking to buy a pre-amp for Welborne 300B DRDs. Need suggestions/opinions on what people may have used and what worked well (and what didn't). (I have high efficiency speakers - 104db)
I want to add that I have an option to buy a Django TVC (with S&B Transformers)for $1200. Is that a good price and will it mate well with the Welborne DRDs?

I used Stevens & Billington TVC's that I got from DiyHiFi Supply with my DRD 300B's and it was a phenomenal match with my upgraded Museatex Bitstream DAC(4V output) and 97dB Cain&Cain IM-Bens.

The only problem I had was using low output MC phono cartridges because you give up 12-16db of an active preamp. With your 104dB horns, that might not even be a problem.
Thanks you for you opinion. Do you think the 1200 for the Django with the S&B TVC is a good price? I find it a little on the high side, but I will be more than happy to pay that if that is truly the "market price"