Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?

I would be very interested in finding out how one manages to justify (or sneak in the home) expensive audio equipment without having to sell your soul to the Devil? It's quite a challenge for many of us I think. I heard of someone buying a Bel Canto DAC and telling his girlfriend that " Oh it's just a $ 100.00 power conditionner", or whatever. Seem like we need to get creative here if we can pursue this crazy hobby much longer! Regards All...
The best way to cope is never let your wife meet your girlfriend. Things stay much safer that way!!!
Nothing is better than looking at the sunset with good music.
Thats why my GF loves good sound quality.
Iv'e never been questioned over an audio purchase . We each have are own passions .
The better half , or is it two thirds , has two high end cars in the garage , I have a ten year old Grand Cherokee in the drive way .
She found me this way and I'm not a permission seeking type, nor one to really explain/justify. I'll boast about good deals, but she's very much in the dark.

One strategy thats worked well was taking away her credit card and getting her a card under my amex. She gets to tease about it to her friends how she charges everything to my card, but when it comes down to significant purchases, she seeks my permission.

I on the other hand monitor everything she buys, get veto rights on her purchases and answer to no one as to my purchases.

Check and mate.