Best tube amp $2000-2500?

I am thinking tubes for my next purchase. Probably leaning toward Coincident as my next speaker, and if so, definitely will go with tubes.

What tube amps are good choices at this price range (used on A'gon)? I am looking for something with body, but not overly "tubey". Probably more along the lines of a KT88 tube, not an EL34 (the EL34 amps I have heard in my system from Cary were a little tubbier than I was looking for). I was thinking perhaps ARC VS110, Mcintosh MC275, something from C-J in that price range, Rogue, Quicksilver, VAC. Any specific recommendations? I need around 50 watts, 75 would be plenty.
Both M60's and MC275 are good recommendations.

I would throw in the Manley Mahi Mahi's for a fun punchy sound and good bang for the buck. They have an Ultralinear and Triode switch and adjustable feedback. Lots O Fun. The power switch in the back caused me some ergonomic problems.
Good ol American Iron w no snow peas.
Here's another vote for the Music Reference RM-200. Lots of KT-88 power, quiet, and well-built.
Berning EA2101 if you can find one. Sonically, a very clean and clear tube amp with plenty of bass. Build quality is superb as is reliability. Tube life is also much longer than most tube amps as a result of the screen drive. Second hand market value varies but should be under $2000.