Best tube amp $2000-2500?

I am thinking tubes for my next purchase. Probably leaning toward Coincident as my next speaker, and if so, definitely will go with tubes.

What tube amps are good choices at this price range (used on A'gon)? I am looking for something with body, but not overly "tubey". Probably more along the lines of a KT88 tube, not an EL34 (the EL34 amps I have heard in my system from Cary were a little tubbier than I was looking for). I was thinking perhaps ARC VS110, Mcintosh MC275, something from C-J in that price range, Rogue, Quicksilver, VAC. Any specific recommendations? I need around 50 watts, 75 would be plenty.
Thanks for the recommendations. It sounds like Music Reference stuff may be the way to go, at least to try out.

Another amp I didn't mention: what about the Audio Research VT100 MKII? Seems like a good value at $2000 used.

Forgot to mention that my preamp is TBD, but likely looking at a Modwright 9.0 Signature.
consider some of the older amps, such as cj mv 45, mv 75 or mv 125. you could also consider some of the older cary or audio research amps as well.
Try the Rogue 120 or 150 monoblocs. They'll both switch to 1/2 power in triode mode which gives you a whole new dimension to experiment with based on the types of music you're listening to. My personal favorite is the VTL MB-125 which ARE EL-34 based and can also do the 1/2 power triode trick. IMHO EL-34's are the way to go, especially in a VTL amp product... outstanding mids of course, as they're well known for, but they also have tight, punchy bass and a natural, musical top end. Your speakers will either prefer the extra power of the tetrode mode or totally love the triode, but the good news is, you'll actually have the choice. Very reliable too and easy to live with. They run fairly warm and the Rogues run downright hot... but they're all great sounding "tube magic" value for the money. For a completely different sound from the VTL you might consider the CJ Premier 11 (6550's) but the older MV-50, 52 (EL-34 & "old school iteration thereof"), etc will be too tubey for you (as you said you wished to avoid). Good luck.