Mastersound Amps. Anything similar you'd recommend

I've finally decided to sell my current setup of a Musical Fidelity A308CR and a pair of Electrocompaniet AW220 and B&W 703's as I just don't listen too music all that much lately.

Would like to replace it with something more simple and have listened to an integrated tube amp from Mastersound at a locar dealer and very much liked the warm sound.

The model was the 300 BSE or BPSE, the speaker brand I don't recall right now.

I'm thinking on selling my amps and getting the integratet first, then sell my speakers and hope that a pair of PMC OB1+'s will still be available here where I live.

Do any of you have any suggestions as far as integrated tube amps go that would be comparable to the Mastersound?

What I'm looking for is a warmish sound that is less fatigueing then what I get with my current setup.

Just checked back on this thread and was glad to see even more responses. As of now I have to admit that I don't even know the difference between a push/pull and SET and shall use the search function to find out more.

JohnK, any chance you could please give me some more insight into why the PMC's might not be a good choice for this amp? Also, what speaker brand would you recommend or what to look for in a good match?

Do you think that the B&W 703's would match it better.

I'll have to check with the dealer around here how much the amp actually was but it might have been around 3000.

Thanks again and I'll make sure to check back later.
David12 is right about Viva amps--I agree, anyway. Excellent and also made in Vicenza, like Mastersound. If power is an issue, I also recommend the Mastersound Compact 845--about 25W-30W.
Thanks again for all the help.

Bblilikoi, I think the PMC's are 6 Ohms/87db which doesn't seem too be too far away from you Sonus Faber Concertino Home monitors (88dB/6ohm)you've had. Were you ok with that setup and the amp you had. As you pointed out that you were switching to different speakers with higher sensitivity I wonder how big the difference in sound is.

For now I'll see what I can sell the easiest and that might just be my speakers and then take it from there. As there's a store over in Detroit that sells PMC and has tube amps it might pay to take a trip there and see what these guys have around I could listen to.
Well, made a mistake and just found out that the amp is the Due Venti rather then the 300 model. Still liked tyhe sound a lot and that also explains why the price is around 3000 rather then twice as much. Guess the problem with the amp not exactly matching the speakers might still apply.
The Due Venti is a very nice amp too! I was looking for one when Gjrad turned me on to the VAIC 300BSE. The Due Venti is 20W/channel. Here's a review:

The issue with SET amps and conventional speakers is that they can only drive them to moderate levels. I could not get the VAIC 300bSE to power the SF Concertinos to more than "entertaining" volume, which was what I mainly did in that room anyway. So, they were fine for that.

But, to fill the room and to get the best out of the amp, I needed a more sensitive speaker. And I wanted one as good on operatic voices as the SF Concertinos were. The Sonist Concerto 3 is that, plus it's fabulous with large-scale orchestral music too.

I highly endorse the Due Venti. For speakers to match it with, you might look into the Sonist Concerto 2--a large monitor rated 95dB/8 ohms. Very affordable and I found it great for blues, rock, jazz, and operatic and jazz voices. Just not the last word in depth and slam for orchestral music. A review: