Integrated Amp - Looking to replace my amp & pre

I know this simular topic has been discussed before, I have a top quality amp (mono blocks)and preamp and I am getting to the point in my audio life where I would like to get a quality integrated amp. SS, tube or hybrid it doesn't matter. Power requirement 50 watts minimum 200+ would also be ok. I would love to hear responses from anyone who has made the switch to a high quality integrated and if they were happy with the switch. Price range $3000 - $10,000 new or used.

Lots of good ones out there in your price range. Here are some uniformly rated components for build quality and performance of sound: Exposure 2010, LFD Zero III,McIntosh 6300, Plinius 9200, Bryston SS100, NAIM5i and their new NS.
I agree with dawgcatching. I've owned both the Graaf GM50B tube integrated and the Ensemble Fuoco hybrid, and have had pretty spectacular results with both. The key for me was to find components that had lots of system synergy, and that takes lots of trial and error (read: expensive).

My best combination to date was the Graaf GM50B integrated Driving ProAc D25, with REL Strata III sub and Meridian G08 CD player. Juicy, punchy.... ahhhhhhhh.
I don't think these have been mentioned yet:

> Audionet SAM V2

> Ayre AX-7e

> Cayin A-300B

> LSA Standard

> Simaudio Moon i-7

> Plinius 9200

> NAD T 785

> MBL 7008

> Meridian G51

> Magnum Dynalab MD309

> Classe CAP-2100

> Blue Circle BmPH

> Chord CPM 2600

> Balanced Audio Technology (BAT) VK 300-x

> PS Audio Gcc-500

> YBA Passion 300
I switched from VTL TL7.5pre + Spectron Musician IIISE to APL UA-S1, I have never been happier, its the most musical amp Ive heard, I listened to a lot of gear before going for this one including many separates.