Buy tubes from Audio Research or not

I need to retube my ARC amp and I'm wondering if there is an advantage buying tubes from ARC vs and Independant tube dealer.
I went to Upscale Audio website and they say they don't retube ARC vt-100's. That seems very strange to me.
I just talked to Kevin at Upscale Audio. He said they don't retube Vt-100's period. He was also very rude.

Wow, didn't know I was walking into a Deal-a-thon! :o)

I have had good experiences with Kevin as well. Also a gent in Michigan some years back named Ken Bowman of Top Hat fame had good tubes, test equipment and ran an honest shop. Mine was only a cautionary buyer beware tale, not a slight against Kevin or the one or two other worthy tube sources.
The ARC VT100 uses (4) matched pairs of 6550. Here is the link to Upscale Audio's 6550 tubes.
Buy from ARC, tubes from others may be matched, but they aren't matched at the exact current draw the amp expects to see. You could have a matched set from another source that isn't with-in the range the bias can be adjusted on the amp. Unfortunately ARC isn't divulging what parameters they are looking for in testing/matching tubes, so you don't know what current draw specification you want all the tubes to match. I've bought several matched tube sets from other vendors & had quality control issues. Output tubes you might get by with from other sources, but input/driver tubes need to be exactly what the amps looking for, or you'll never get the input/driver stage voltages in balance with-in specified parameters. My understanding is Kevin Deal doesn't sell tubes for audio research power amps (too many come back as returns)I, from personal experience, don't trust him & you won't find any negative feedback on this site because A-gon wants his advertising dollars.I've personally had my negative feedback for upscale not published on A-gon, without explaination or reply from "management". I'd definately recommend ARC tubes sets in arc power amps.I've retubed various VT100 series amps 3 or 4 times & wouldn't even attempt a complete retube with tubes sourced elsewhere. Getting the input/driver circuit with-in specs is a major, frustrating effort, because changes to one adjustment point affects the other adjustment point & visa-versa, a constant moving target!