I'm a Consumer Reports sort of guy. Is there a pla

Being a Consumer Reports sort of person, I was wondering if there is a place( magazine,internet, book, etc ) that reports unbiased info on repair history with regards to the most reliable amps,pre,etc.

yes I agree with the group -I mean NO as well.
All magaines are subjective. If the magaine says built well "like a Tank" it may sound like a tank and break down like a tank, therefore it is a useless word except to describe fit finish and tonnage. Or a stone instead of tank for Shadorne.
If you want a tank then it's the right opinion. Other sources may concern themselves with the musicality and sonics and don't pay much mind to tankliness. In essence there is no statistic or survey based information with regard to repairs and failures nevermind more sophisticated objectivev measures. The measurements don't make a piece more enjoyable than another.
Sterophile which owns this site does have a synopsis every year regarding the reviewers favorites and catagories them into classes. This can help if you are just trying to find out what is out there and favored by pros.
Audio circle does keep owner opinions for just about anything audio but it's still a very subjective and rudimentry question that asks, how do you like that amp, speaker cartridge. et al. As a rule people try to justify stupid decisions but will vent on occasion.
I for one like my stuff to be heavy. It makes sense that something expensive should be substantial. Too bad I can't toss it around like I used to. BTW the biggest cost of all the parts that make up a piece of equipment is the face fascia. So eye candy is evidently a critical matter for the success of anything audio.
I thought the answer would be No. I read the normal mags mentioned and others,thou I always thought they had there own agenda.
If you want a reliable product that is reasonable in price and still sounds good I would look at Quad. Not fashionable or cutting edge but solid performance and reliable. Look at the 99 or 909 series. I have been a Consumers Reports reader for over 40 years, their approach is not applicable to audio, although in the early 60s they did do serious audio reviews. The British Mag. WHAT HIFI is the only thing remotely close, and it is fairly remote, but possibly worth a look.
No. Though you may find a back issue of Consumer Reports that would answer some questions for you. Contact them and ask them.
I do agree with Thsalmon though, if you are searching for audio equipment based on repair history and not sonic qualities, then you would be better served asking folks at Consumer Reports than here at AudiogoN. Not that reliability is not an issue here, it certainly is, but it's only one priority here.
