Matching Amp to Wilson Sophia 2

I recently acquired Wilson Sophia 2's and am enjoying them but I'm wondering if I can do better in terms of amp matching. I currently use Theta Citadel 1.5's. I would prefer a little more midbass (Sophias are currently closer to the front wall than I would like, but pulling them out reduces body).

These speakers aren't overly sensitive (89db) and run at 4ohms.

I also wouldn't mind a little more midrange bloom (I do like tubes!) but don't want to lose anything in the highs.

Amps I've been thinking about: McIntosh, Pass.

Love to hear your thoughts.
I had Sophia I's and tried a bunch of solid-state and tubed amps, and IMO, tubes are the way to go with these speakers. Unlike the Watt Puppies, the Sophias are an easy load and I thought they sounded best using high-powered tube jobs from ARC, Conrad-Johnson, and VTL. Most solid-state amps just don't bloom and soundstage well with these speakers, at least the Sophia I's. The only SS amps I have heard that do at least some of this are Essence amps, difficult to find.
I heard the sophia's with a Mcintosh MA7000 and it was amazing. I love the silky warm sound that the combo has to offer. Also look at musical fidelity and plinius separates.
Another vote for PASS XA.5 or X.5 Amplifiers, both are excellent with Wilson Audio Speakers, in my experience!