Amp for desktop system?

I'm in process of building a new desktop system for my home office and need to choose a standalone amp (not integrated) for whatever speakers I purchase. Any input would be much appreciated - I'm getting lost digging through the forum archives!

Details: Nearfield listening while at the computer (3 ft), small room, up against a wall/window, lower volume levels so the "first watt" principle matters a lot.

System will be PC Apple lossless iTunes -> External DAC/Pre combo(Beresford 7520) -> Amp(TBD) -> Speakers (TBD - Likely Totem Dreamcatchers/Mites, Epos M5, or Usher S-520). Music is all over the board, alternative, jazz, female vocalists, eclectic misc stuff.

Sonic preferences - I really value a spacious, airy sound with fluid vocals. Soundstaging is a priority (contrary to my layout, I know) and an open detailed sound is more important than pure dynamics, probably won't get played loud much. Tight accurate bass is more important than a deep low end or slam, esp with my small speaker choices.

Budget is $250-450, used gear here on audiogon is the likely source.

Any suggestions on what brands/models to consider? I get totally lost looking through the classififeds.

Am I on the right track with the rest of the components? Still trying to decide on the speakers but am leaning toward the Totem Dreamcatchers (4 ohm speakers) after demoing them yesterday.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
Thanks for the advice everyone!

I was able to pick up a Virtue Audio One amp from Michael Mardis locally with the 30v/90W power supply. I spent an hour talking with him over coffee all about the amp and it's design. He's a really nice guy who knows his stuff!

I also found a used pair of Usher S-520 speakers for a good price and they should be arriving next week. I have some speaker cables and interconnects on order from Blue Jeans Cables that should arrive in time to hook everything together.

The only remaining things are rearranging my office and building a couple DIY acoustic absorbtion panels this weekend. I already have all the parts from Home Depot!

I'll post an update once I get everything set up and broken in, really excited to hear how it all sounds.

Thanks again!
I have a Virtue One, attached to the Totem Dreamcatchers,
(one of your choice of speakers), and it drives them very
nicely. Just thought you might like to know.
Well, it's finished!

I got the acoustic absorption panels built as well as a couple of homemade speaker stands. I also rearranged my office and it sounds much better in this configuration.

I'm really happy with how it all turned out. Not to knock the little Audioengine's, but the Virtue Audio/Usher combo really is much, much better.

I posted a write up and some photos in the Virtual Systems forum under Secondary Rigs if you want to check it out, or you can just click on my profile.

Thanks again everyone, happy listening!