Want to upgrade my Adcom GFP 565 preamplifier

I want to upgrade to a better preamp that will not cost over $1200, used. I like my current system but can't help but feeling the GFP is the limiting factor, especially in the high's. Any suggestions for a solid state preamp?

JMLab 806s
2 NHT 10 Passive subs
B&K 202+, High
Adcom 5500. Low
Marchand XM9 crossover
Arcam CD72
JVC 1100
Okay, I further reseached the GFA 750 including a review using my speakers and it is in serious contention if I can find one. The one on Audiogon appears to be sold.

"Revisiting an old Friend - the Adcom GFP 750
by Robert H. Levi"

I still would like to hear any comments on the Classe products or others in that league.
The 750 is far from clinical and lifeless. I think it is extremely musical and true to whatever source you feed it. The top end is extremely smooth, at least in the passive mode. Active mode, not so much--so maybe that is the criticism. I think many preamps are a bit too forward for my taste and that is why I like the passive mode. But you do lose some dynamics depending on your set up. I think the negative reviews are snobbery. But to each his/her own. Resale seems strong on these. I don't think you could go wrong if you tried it, didn't like it, and wanted to resell, but you'd want to pick one up for less than 750. Make sure you get the original, made in USA model with blue circuit board--it supposedly sounds better than the later made in Taiwan model with red board, and make sure you get orig box, manual, remote, etc........I have never tried a tube pre. Have thought about it but am not crazy about the heat, bias issues, maintenance, etc. Keep us posted!
Just a minor point: if you're using a B&K 202+ as your "high" amplifier, you probably won't have to worry about anything sounding "clinical." I owned one and found the treble a bit soft.
Here's another thought - PrimaLuna ProLogue three preamp - Smooth warm tube sound, but not syrupy. Also, the tubes are auto-biasing so you don't have to be a multimeter jocky to get it sounding right. Look for one used in your price range.

Or, Modwright SWL 9.0SE

In the solid state world, look at a used Classe, Nam NAC 112, Primare Pre30, or a budget fly in the ointment, the new NAD C-165BEE, which is really quite good.