Sophia II's and Pass Labs etc


I will buy a new amp set up for my Wilson Audio Sophia II's after the summer. I currently use a Burmester 051 integrated amp and a Burmester 061 cd player + a TW Acustic Raven w/Graham Phantom II arm will be ordered soon

I like the Burmester 011 preamp and Burmester 911 mk3 amp very much, although I have not tested the amp set on my speakers. The price for the set in Norway is NOK 276,000,-

The other options I am looking at are:

- Pass Labs XP20 and XA 100,5 / XA 160.5 mono amps, approx. NOK 210,000 / NOK 255,000

- Audio Research REF 3 preamp and REF 110 amp, approx. NOK 220,000,-

- Simaudio Moon P8 and Simaudio Moon W8, approx. NOK 245,000,-.

- Spectral DMC-30SS and Spectral DMA 360, approx. NOK 230,000,-.

And then you have Conrad Johnson, Mark Levinson, Luxman, Accuphase, MBL, etc etc.

Do you have any preferences of the amps mentioned. Do you know if Pass Labs XA 100.5 will be strong enough for the Sophia 2's?

I listen foremost to pop/rock/hip hop/electro/jazz/metal/etc, since I am a talent buyer within the festival circuit in Norway.

Thanks for your help.

Cheeers, ToffenG, Norway
I used to have Watt Puppy 6s with a Pass X350 and found it a good match, especially in the bass, which was natural and listenable and well integrated. In showrooms, I also thought the WP6s paired well with Levinson 33Hs and BAT amps. Hope this helps, even though these were not Sophias.
For the original poster's benefit:

I would recommend the XA100.5, but not the XP20. Although I voiced my opinion clearly for the XA30.5 with the Sophia II's, I think compared to the rest of your system, the XA100.5s would be the best fit. I think you would appreciate the difference between an XA30.5 and the mono XA100.5s and you would be willing to pay for the improvements. In my situation, the XA30.5 fit the bill just fine both financially and sonically (and it allowed me to purchase a tube amp to swap out during winter months or when the mood was right). The XP20 is very good, but you really should pair the XA.5 series with a tube preamp as it will only add to and enhance the sonic purity of timbers/harmonics you get from the XA.5 series.

Hope this helps. really should pair the XA.5 series with a tube
preamp as it will only add to and enhance the sonic purity of
timbers/harmonics you get from the XA.5 series.

Hope this helps.
Hce4 (Threads | Answers)

Care should be taken that a tube preamp used with the Pass Labs gear does
not have high output impedance, as it may result in rolled of bass and treble.

I used a Lamm LL2 Deluxe (fully tubed) and Lamm L2 Reference (tubed power
supply) with excellent results.

Which tube preamp are you using, Hce4?
Hi all!

Thanks for all the advise! Much appreciated.

I have got some quotes from the various dealers now, and two pieces are standing out:

- Mark Levinson No 432 amp and Mark Levinson No 326S amp (very nice quote indeed)
- Burmester 911mk3 demo

I also got nice quotes from Pass Labs, and the Krell, Simaudio Moon, Plinius & Audio Researc dealer is also keen.

How is Krell compared to PassLabs? Krell Evolution EVO 302 and Krell Evolution EVO 222? The dealer told me that the Krell sound is the most smooth one, as Simaudio Moon is more of everything, the Audio Research is great midrange and treble, but lacks punch. And he reccommended Plinius a lot. I will travel up to him (2 hrs flight) to check out all with a Wilson Audio 2. He is lucky for me also a dealer for Wilson, the only one in Norway.

Cheeers and thanks, ToffenG
I don't know if Balanced Audio Technology is available in Norway, but I can strongly recommend the VK-52SE vacuum tube preamp and the VK-600SE solid-state amp with Wilson Audio Sophia Series 2. I am blown away with this combination!