Good stores in LA

I will be in LA next week and wanted to stop by a few of the top audiophile gear stores there. Anyone have any suggestions?
I would rather make the drive to a good HiFi shop in S. CA than waste my time within LA county at the not so great shops. So, I would want to know about all of the better S. CA shops, then pick the good ones in a specific area to visit.

Better to have more options than less, right?
Weinhart Designs used to be Ambrosia Audio didn't it? Ambrosia was a pretty good store as I recall, and Weinhart is in LA, correct?
David Weinhart is a good guy. But I would not be spending time driving around El Lay. Go to The Getty or try out restaurants or something, but driving around for stereo stores is not a particular activities that I recommend.
Nkta, glad to see someone else gets it.

The Getty. Excellent idea. A perfect way to spend a few hours in LA.
Well, since we are off topic now...

While in LA, the place you should REALLY go, as a music lover and audiophile, is the Walt Disney Music Hall for a classical performance. LA may not have the friendliest and best HiFi shops, but they do have some of the best musicians and one of the better symphonic music halls in the world.

You'll get closer to the music there than you would sitting in any dealers showroom.