Isolation suggestions for amplifer

Thanks for reading. I am looking for suggestions in the direction of amplifier isolation, feet, amp stands or whatever users have found that honestly do a good job isolating their amplifiers. I have a Sunfire amplifier sitting on a Michael Green Delux-just-a-rack currently and I am looking towards feet to get some air circulation under the amplifier but at the same time add some extra isolaation to the component.

I have tube monoblocks. Each is on a 3-inch thick maple platform and is supported by three EdenSound Bearpaw brass cones.
I use Herbie's grungebuster balls under the amp, pre & CDP. Each ball sits in a highly polished stainless steel cup which has a grungebuster dot underneath. You can check them out here

One size doesn't fit all when it comes to this stuff, so let me suggest reading this Although this particular report is based on an SACD unit, I'm pointing it out to show some of the differences between devices.

Picking an isolation device that works for you is trial & error like any other component-at least it was in my case.