audia flight opinions

i see this brand showing up on agon a little more often . not too many reviews, and sadly no close dealer. im very interested in the flight 50 amp, 50 watts pure class a. im using a pair of sonus faber cremona's . seems like quality gear from what info ive been able to gather, any user opinions ?
I have heard an all Audia Flight system at an audio group members house. He was using the 100wpc class A only amp with custom made wild technology speakers. The pre and CD were both overshadowed by one of the best sounding amps I have ever heard for an SS amp anyway. It is just what you want authoratative, full, brass balls bass that sings not coughs, forceful, warm and for a blessed instance an amp like that which is lightening fast. I liked it enough to buy it if I ever have money again. I only had a twenty on me and was short just a few grand. Wonder no more it is the real deal.
i owned a Audia Flight One intergrated amp, very clean sound. love the amp but like u said, no dealer around, and it broke down recently, send mail to AUDIA factory to ask some question, they dont even bother to reply. I'd not encourage you to buy this product if you dont have close dealer, bcos when it break down, you cant expect any help from the factory.