Krell FPB 400CX vs PASS LABS X-350.5

I'm moving up the ladder and have it down to these two amps. Any suggestions?? Should I go with the Krell FPB400CX or the PASS LABS X-350.5??

Speakers: DeVore Fidelity Nines
Preamp: Pass Labs X-1
Source: Esoteric X-03SE
Cables: Audiopath Silver 8 all around
Would be interested to hear John DeVore's thoughts / preferences between the two amp in question.
Pdreher (System | Threads | Answers)

John Devore has already commented above:
if the XA-60.5 is remotely close in price to the X-350.5 go for the XA. It will sound enormously powerful on the Nines and will have subtlety and nuance the AB amp lacks.

Happy listening,
John DeVore
Jldcat (System | Answers)

More than anyone, the company owner should know how an amp would perform on the Nines .
Tvad - my bad... at the risk of sounding like a kiss ass, I agree with your last statement
Do you all think the smaller Pass Labs XA-30.5 would be enough for the Nines. My room is 14' x 24'?

Would that be a better choice than the X-350.5??
I think you should contact Reno HiFi and arrange an in-home trial and bypass
the speculation.

I also think John Devore has already mentioned what amps he believes would
work well.

In my system and room (93dB speakers), the XA-30.5 was very close, but
wouldn't quite get the job done in the volume department. If you audition the
XA-30.5, you'll know how the XA-.5 series sound on the Nines, and then you
can move up to more power if necessary.

IMO, any of the XA-.5 series Pass amps are better choices than the X-350.5
because of their more refined sound.
Well I actually had both amps side by side in my system for a while and the Pass X350.5 is better in every aspect than the FPB400CX.

The X350.5 should be compared to the Krell EVO402 and then they are very close. I had the EVO402 as well and it does sound very similar to the Pass X350.5 but at 1.5 times the price.

For price / performance ratio the Pass is the best.

The FPB700CX is much better than the 400CX and would come close to the Pass X350.5. The 700Cx might even have a little more bass slam.
