Keep my tubes??

So, I decided to cash out of my tubed-based system about a year and a half ago. I intended to get back in when I could. At this point, I'm not sure when that's going to happen. In my day dreams, I'm even considering going solid state amplification.

My question is, should I hold on to my tube collection or, cash that in too?

My instincts tell me that these are old stock tubes are a limited resource and the supply dwindles by the day (at some point, there will be no more right??)

Since I've been out of the hobby for awhile, I'm trying to understand the other side; the demand side.

Should I hold or sell?
It's best if you pack them up and send them to me. I'll keep them safe for you :)
Tvad said it the best. My regret has always been,.....I should have bought more.

Good luck.
If you don't need the cash now and plan on selling, I would hold on to them and sell them later when things improve. Even though NOS tube prices are still at a premium, I don't think that there are still as many people willing to pay the price.
I think right now is a prime time to sell NOS tubes. Everyone seems to be holding onto what they have so supply is low and what is offered goes fast. If you have "very good" section match and non microphonic tubes they are worth top dollar right now.
I had so many problems recently with NOS tube purchases 12AX7, 7308, 6922 and 6Dj8 that I decided to go to a pre with, yes 6H30E tubes. Point being if this becomes a more common practice the value drops. Also the way things are going the dollar's depreciation may out pace the increase in value!!!
I think I'm going to sell my PW, 7308 and 6922's while the gettins good. All that being said it's still hard to do!!!