VTL MB250 sig or Nuforce Ref9 SE

Between those two amps which would the majority pick?. The rest is Usher Berylium BE-718, MFA pre MC one ref, Esoteric/ Victor K2 Dac
Hi5, Glad to give you my 2 cents. While there are lots of choices and even more opinions, you really can't go wrong with the 250s. Regards
I haven't listened to the NuForce Amps, but I do still own a pair of Bel Canto Ref1000 Monoblocks, which is another very promising Class D Amp, and has always been favorably compared with other top Class D Amps.

Having owned a VTL Super Deluxe Preamp, as well as having spent some considerable time listening to the VTL 225 Monoblocks, I would definitely have to endorse the VTL's on this one. No Comparison!
I have the same speakers being pushed by Nuforce MCH3SE C-7 amp and there's good synergy going on w/o brightness if your upstream equipment or cablings/vibration isolation is also neutral of slightly warmish. I once had the BC Ref 1K for a time but the Nuforce to me was a revelation.


Kenobi is correct about cabling and vibration control. Plato, I'm not sure what you mean regarding "a nice tube preamp" with the Wyerd for Sound amps. I use a dehavilland Mercury II with NuForce amps, and there is no "brightness". Good listening. Jeff