Audio Consulting on fire at Munich High-End Show

At Saturday night on Munich High-End Show, some electronic gear catched fire in the Audio Consulting/Hiraga booth. The fire sprinkling system extinguished the fire, but also flooded three neighbour booths. See the Munich fire department report:

and with even better pictures:

best regards, Hartmut
Hardly surprsing. You would be amazed at how much bespoke stuff from small companies does not even have a UL testing. Sure it is just a hobby but it is still no joke when the house burns down.
Poor fellows. A gaggle of valves nesting in wooden boxes with wooden knobs. I believe thats called kindling.

Its the other people who were next to door to them I feel sorry for. Their show and equipment was ruined through no fault of their own.

Anyway they were playing the Doors "light my fire"!