Dump run on McIntosh MC402?

How come there are nine MC402 amps for sale right now on this website?
Anyone got a comment on this?
mac's offered dealer programs since the beginning (to dealers). i somehow think they and their cult will be fine.
I have a 402 and am very happy with it. I had a 352 that i traded in on it and I noticed about 18 months ago there were a bunch of 352's for sale here. Maybe with mcintosh giving dealers a 40% price break they are about to come out with a new amp.
Interesting. I was a little hard on them. Still my local dealer was offering 5% off msrp when I bought mine. Maybe it's more now. I don't go to the local audio shops anymore and haven't for a couple of years. I don't see how they expect to sell anything except to the naive. Going in a local shop, the minute you walk out the door with a new piece you've just done the equivalent of pay retail for a Cadillac and driven it off the lot. In other words you just said goodbye to 35% of what you just paid minutes earlier without the product having seen any wear.
In other words you just said goodbye to 35% of what you just paid minutes earlier without the product having seen any wear.
This is nothing new!

Also, even if manufaturers were to offer larger discounts to dealers right now, some must do whatever it takes to keep the doors open in these times, it beats the alternative.

Look through the archives, there are many, "why are there some many xxxx products listed for sale right now?", posts, most of which are for popular items.
It is a conspiracy. The Trilaterals want to take over the world, and Mac stands in the way.. Beware!!