advice on amp - $3,500 maximum budget

I am looking to buy an amplifier that would be a good match in my system. My speakers are Sehring 703s. They are not well-known in the US, as they are German and primarily marketed in Europe. They are 86db sensitivity at 8ohms, but supposedly have a fairly stable/forgiving impedance curve, which means they are not that difficult to drive. My preamp is a Manley Shrimp. I live in a New York apartment and the amp has to go into a cabinet, so very heavy tube amps are out of the question. But I am looking for tube-like warmth/bloom. (FWIW, reviewers of the Sehrings say they sound best with tube amps.)

Right now, I am considering the following amps:
1. Music Reference RM-200 -- a hybrid tube amp that doesn't weigh too much or get too hot, 100w per channel. Some say it basically sounds like a solid state amp but has all the hassles associated with tube gear. Others say it sounds fantastic. Main concern is that Music Reference is a one man operation run by the designer, who is frankly hard to reach a lot of the time.
2. Blue Circle SB100S -- solid state, 100w per channel. This is the lowest end power amp Blue Circle makes. Reviews are generally good, but provide generic praise rather than incisive comments. I am a little concerned that I could get the essentially the same sound quality for less money from a bigger company.
3. Butler 2250 -- a powerful 250 watt hybrid amp. Provides a lot of power but also some valve warmth as well.
4. Bryston 4B-SST -- supposed to sound good and I like the idea of a 20-year warranty. Reviews suggest it may be a little bright/forward, which causes some concern. But value holds up well in the used market, so I could probably sell it without taking too big a hit if I don't like it.

Any thoughts on the relative merits of these amps and whether I have left off some obvious candidates in my price range? (I am trying to avoid Class D, although I do plan to audition a Bel Canto to see if my concerns about compatibiity with my speakers are misguided.)
I agree with Springbok10 and if I were you I'd consider the one for sale here direct from George Kaye. I'd even ask him for an in home trial on it, he may oblige:

I have heard this amp and the RM-200 and prefer the Moscode. Personally and IMO the RM-200 isn't Roger's best work (the RM-10 is) although it is a fine amp. Also, just curious and I'm probably missing something here, but why one would go with an amp that would require using an RCA/XLR adapter for preamps that only have single ended outputs.
I also agree with the Moscode suggestion, having owned one. If a Moscode 401HR matched well with my present speakers, I'd likely own another (but the Pass Labs I now use now sound better).

My 401HR got pretty warm, but I had it installed in an open back, open front cabinet with solid sides and experienced no problems.
I have been a tube fan for twenty years and have owned many listed here including the RM200. Recently dipped back into SS after many years and threw my hat in the ring with a Marantz SM11-s1, driven with a tube preamp.

This amp is very very good. Although it would never be confused with a tube amp (as Fremmer noted in his review) it has a very delicate and open top end that is very addictive. best of all it has a sense of organization and speed that delivered the goods big time on my big harbeths. best thing is that despite conventional wisdom about what is needed to sound good, it is biased heavily in AB and barely gets warm externally.

It was so good in fact I sold it and I pulled the trigger on a pair of Ma9s2, we'll see........
Thanks for all these comments and suggestions. The Marantz is an interesting suggestion. Also, the Moscode had been on my radar, but I would have to buy used to afford one, as the new Moscode 402au is well above my price point. I do have some concerns about plunking down $3500 on an amp without a decent warranty. I know used equipment offers the best value, but I have had some issues with reliability of a few used amps I bought in the past, including a modded Meridian and an old B&K.

There are no recommendations of the Blue Circle or Butler amps. Tvad is correct that Blue Circle gear takes a big hit on resale, possibly because their product line is always changing. The Butler still intrigues me, given the hybrid tube design and the price point. I wouldn't mind buying a new Butler if it is within spitting distance of the Moscode 401HR's sound quality though.

By the way, I did demo a few amps over the weekend. The Bel Canto Ref. 1000, despite all the great reviews, was uninvolving. I really liked the McIntosh MC275 (I guess I like that lush tube sound), but it is too heavy and runs too hot for my purposes. The Ayre V-5XE sounded fantastic, but I heard it with an Ayre pre and CD player, so this might have been due to system synergies. The amp is also pretty far above my price point and supposedly sounds best balanced, and my preamp is single-ended.

Anyway, thanks again for the guidance so far, as it is very helpful.
Considering the Moscode 401HR presently for sale is a refurbished, trade-in
unit being offered by Moscode, and considering a new 401HR is warranted for
three years, I agree the 90 day warranty is poor (but not inconsistent with other
refurbished consumer electronics).

Perhaps George could be persuaded to extend the warranty to one year.

That said, the trade-off of buying used gear is higher value with some added
risk. Though in four years, I haven't read of anyone having problems with their
401HR. I owned one for two years with no issues. A friend owns one and sent it
in to have a speaker binding post tightened up. He's had no other problems (if
the binding post can even be considered a problem) in three years of ownership.