Audio Research Reference 5 Preamp

So I see on the Audio Research Data Base website they listed the new ARC REF 5 preamp for $12000. Does anybody have any details about it?
You have to hand it to ARC. They sure know how to extract cash from their clientele. They know that a certain percentage of there Ref-3 owners will trade up for the new model. I guess that's how they stay in business.
No Money,

I know companies have to come out with new gear to create sales. But ARC is notorious for coming out with 2 or 3 versions of the same unit. Example Vt-100 mkl mk2 mk3. They also change models very quickly. Other companies don't change their lines every few years.
I don't question everyones love for music. But I think that we get bored listening to our familiar songs or familiar music after a while and we need the thrill of some new piece of gear to "rediscover" our collection. That's what manufacturer's are banking on. My wife just rolls her eyes everytime I tell her that this is it. The size and cost of our upgrades are proportional to our budgets. When I see ARC Ref 3's on the market, I think that would be the end all be all preamp for me, but obviously people are looking for something even better. It's just like a drug addiction- our bodies build up a resistance and we need a stronger dose. I guess at some point we have to go through detox- sell all our gear and listen to FM radio/MP3 players for a couple of years and then ease back into the hobby with a Marantz 8B and a pair of studio monitors.
I don't get much time to listen these days, but knowing my system is there and ready to be fired up gives me comfort. So I won't lie to myself and claim I could sellout any time I want.
Oh, I understand the "like a drug addiction" aspect :o) Trust me.
For me I am just trying to understand the escalating costs of these components, especially in this crappy economy. Are people still able to fork out 12K for a pre-amp??

Even with a sale of a ref 3 which is about 5K or so on this site, your still talking about dropping ~ 7K, not to mention if someone purchased a Ref 3 for 10K new...hell that is a cool 17K in 5 years since the ref 3 came out...

Please, please do not take my post as being confrontational or bitter...not the case. Just posing the question...