Audio Research Reference 5 Preamp

So I see on the Audio Research Data Base website they listed the new ARC REF 5 preamp for $12000. Does anybody have any details about it?
I admit it, I'm addicted . I get quite a rush out of opening a brand spanking new preamp. The smell of a new circuit board as I pop the seal on the plastic for the first time and slide out a pristine piece of top notch audio gear. Oh yeah! Thats what I'm talking about. Ok enough, I need to chill out I still have to wait another 4 weeks. The best preamp ever is the one that on its way.
It can be an expensive hobby- no doubt. But the nice thing is- there is always room for improvement. Consider that some people put remarkable sums of money and time into dedicated listening rooms. What are the chances that another audiophile will come along when it is time to sell and buy your house at a premium because of the listening room?
As long as we all get something back out of it, then it is worth it. It's all about giving up something else to fuel our passions.
The best is when a friend or neighbor stops by and assumes it is a nice $1000 system. After-all, a really expensive stereo would have graphic displays and lots of knobs and lights. What's the point in trying to explain? They say wow, I didn't know records could sound so clear and I say digital is evil and then they leave and never come back.
The least that could (should) ? be done is allow for modular-type or similar upgrades, so you don't lose your a$$ so bad on your current unit.
Lougiants: I feel your pain but $12K is not as outrageous as some of the top of the line preamp offerings from BAT, Ayre, VTL, MBL, etc which are pushing $20K. A bigger concern for me is why are these companies still charging that amount and not providing an integrated phono section for that amount. A curious exemption IMO given the resurgence of interest in vinyl....
Hi Russellrcncom, yep, I agree with you on all points.
I guess my main point in this( looking back I misread a post...sorry guys) but in this economy, especially on wall street NY, NJ and LA where the high $$ incomes have gone down the tubes, the loss of jobs...then take a look at the $$ speakers reviewed in TAS last month, and the price of the components reviewed in the last Stereophile.

I just find it perplexing with all the dealerships that are struggling(I know one personnaly) where the demand for high $ components has dropped considerably.
But yet all I see is higher $$ components still being reviewed and mentioned...
Maybe it's just me on the list who can't afford a 12K pre-amp let alone a 20K+ BAT REX, or feel I am being scammed by the every 4 or 5 year changes...then to read how many or most ARC fans say the older stuff sounds better.

Sorry, guys...I'll drop out. Please continue on with the discussion of the Ref 5.

As a note, every ARC system I have heard I liked.