Tired of HT

Okay, here's my situation. I've grown tired of the home theater surround sound deal. I have a Rotel amp, Rotel pre pro, paradigm speakers (20 v.3 fronts, cc470 center, atom rears, pdr10 sub, audioquest, Wadia i170, Cambridge DACmagic, etc. For me, it's about 80-90% music and 10-20% movies. My real love is the music. Where do I do from here? I would like a recommendation on a new amp, pre pro, and speakers. My budget is reasonable, but not necessarily cheap if you know what I mean. Thanks
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06-27-09: Stringreen
After much experimenting, I found that I needed 2 totally separate systems. The Surround sound is in one room, and the high end stereo in another.
That's how my systems have evolved too. The HT system is a 7.1 system that evolved out of a stereo I built up 12 years ago.

In the meantime I had a modest 2-channel system in the living room for quieter music--small group jazz, acoustic pop, and chamber music. When I switched this system to LP-based, the result was so much more musically satisfying that I upgraded the entire chain, making it a 2-channel music-only system that scales reasonably well from solo to orchestra and big band.

I use the 7.1 channel mostly for HT now except for the occasional multichannel SACD and DVD-A. I do almost all music listening on LP in the 2-ch. living room system.
I used to have two systems, then as Shardorne points out, I just ponied up and did the same level all the way around. Yep, it wasn't cheap, but I have phenomenal two channel, as well as multi-channel and HT in one system. Many two channel people don't really care about their HT, I personally want the best of both and can truly say you can get excellent two channel sound form a HT setup, it just will cost you!
You could completely separate the 2 systems, as I did. See my "System"....

What goal with the sound are you looking for;such as the magic of tubes or that solid bass that solid state is known for although tubes can do it also;maybe you might want to try tubes or a hybrid power amp.