Tube Integragrated w/ Phono

Can anyone recommend a good Tube Integrated with a phono stage? Do they exist??


Look at the Primaluna PL1 and PL2. The PL2 can take a variety of power tubes (EL34/KT88) and both can take the add on MM phono stage board. I have this setup and it sounded very good. It's not a substitute for a good stand alone phono stage.
I have an Audio Space ref. 3.1 with a decent phono stage for MM only. Love the integrated but I'm not sure the phono stage is up to par with a top notch external phono stage.
Depending on your definition of good, yes.
Had a Conrad-Johnson PV-11 with phono that was quite good, had to go to separates to better it. Made the mistake of selling it and have looked back on that one more than once. Others may have other opinions. They can be found used in the 500-800 range.