SCHEMATIC for Sophia S.E.T. EL-34 amp

I am not having much luck repairing a Sophia EL-34 amp....I need a diagram and have no idea where to get one....I've tried Sophia Electric of course but no luck......I could use some idea's on this.......Thanks Will
LOL! Will, you can forget it! Sophia Electric,Washington High end or whatever will not be reasonable to deal with. Some of there amps are modified in the US Chinese products and some are made here from scratch in the USA. They're not anything special. But seeing how old this thread is,I'm sure you know this by now.
Will, it sure seemed like it, "Sophia electric, being an US design and manafacturing company."

Everything I'd heard up to then was that they were Chinese components with the Sophia name on them. That's why I requested clarification.

If they actually are built here, and I would want to know where the chassis and transformers are sourced (not the company, specifically, but I don't think it's out of line to ask about the country), as well as where initial and final assembly are performed, then people like me who care about this sort of thing would be most happy to hear it.
While I realize this thread is old, I can tell you from experience that the folks at Sophia are very accomodating and quite reasonable with repairs. I have one of their integrated amps, a 300B single ended unit that uses a 206 output tube. It has held up very well over the years and is honestly one of the best sounding amps I have ever heard. I would agree that they are probably reticent to publish their schematic due to piracy concerns.