Ayon spirit vs audio research vsi-60

Does anyone know how the Ayon spirit would compare to the audio research vsi-60? This would be driving totem winds. Any feed back on this would be appreciated.
AR and Ayon Audio are for sure top brands. But I can tell you that the Ayon Spirit, which I owned previously, I ended pulling the trigger on uograding to the Triton, well the Spirit is an excellent unit. My friend owns the AR vsi60 and there is no doubt that the Spirit was more micro detailed and musical, it was apparent from the getgo when we spent the afternoon ABing. I am pretty sure that the Pure Class A factor is the differnace. The specs on the AR, its not pure class a.
then you should be 'home free' with the arc. its an incredible piece and the speakers are among the best. enjoy.
there is also the option of the new ayon orion amp. it is my understanding that the orion is the original spirit but manufactured in china instead of austria and retails for $2400 instead of the $4000 price of the spirit II. the spirit II would have better parts, made in austria and comes with more expensive tubes.
usa tube audio has a trail period.
i got offered the spirit tonight for 2850 shipped. It was used once for a demo and has 80hrs on the new tubes.
I think you should buy them both and start another threat titled:

The Austrian Hunk of Burning Love vs. the Minnesotan Monster, or something. It seems after posting so many threads on an amp you owe it to the community to conduct the shootout. ;) Please make it happen.

I just wouldn't pay too much for either when you can get them for 50 or 60 percent of retail here. Also, have you considered the chest pounding exotic Kronzilla, late ancestor of the tower climbing beast from Tokyo?

Keep us posted.