Yamaha Amp Nostalgia

I remember the Yamaha C4 and M4 with some nostalgia, as they were beyond my high school student budget, and quite beautiful with their back lit power and speaker selector switches.

20 years later, they seem to be reasonably well bid on the used market, although the lamp lights are often burned out and not easy to replace, apparently.

So last week, I impulsively bought an M2, because it looked even more powerful and more interesting than the M4, and the one I found seemed to be in good shape with working lights.

There is not much info on the web - does anyone know anything about this amp?

Thank you.
I remember owning a Yamaha A1 Integrated amp - it was a very sweet sounding amp - Pure Class A - and a very attractive design. It was a step up the usual Sansui/Marantz/SAE integrateds at that time. I also had the matching casste deck - it was great as well (Dolby C, green LEDs instead of VU Meters) - a honey!!
Now we have some nostalgia!

Flg2001, yes the A1 was a very interesting amp, and a beautiful design, too.

They are not easy to find in good condition and also very well bid on the used market.

Elevick, would you suspect the M2 would be Class A as well for the first few watts?
MX1000U, MX10000U, CR1020. I have enjoyed all 3 of these terrific amps. Sold the 10000 series gear some years ago. My MX1000U is paired with the CX1000U preamp, and the equalizer of that time AND CONTINUES TO PERFORM IN A BIG WAY, impressively driving 3 pairs of large McIntosh speakers. My CR1020 is in a 3d system I have in a home office and is wonderfully driving a pair of vintage JBL L65s (mint)at the moment. I'M A LONG-TIME VINTAGE YAMAHA FAN.
Sit - JBL L65 was one of my favourite speakers at that time - I could never afford them (to pricey for a hungry student back then) but had great time with various ADS models as well as an ESS speaker. I heard the L65 with some McIntosh Integrateds of the time (MA5100, 6100 and 6200) - a very sought-after speaker far north of what the L100 could offer.
I have a CA-2010 inyegrated- beautiful to look at, beautiful to listen to as well. Very acceptable mc phono stage, of course not extreme in detail but compensates with its musicality and open relaxed sound. Greta engineering in these old pieces DC offset almost perfect when I tested it a few months ago. Gets a bit toasty though in class A mode. I had a CA-1000 as one of my first pieces years ago, but the 2010 is in a different league all together. Currently having my tech service a C4 to try out shortly.