Best Matching Power Amplifier for Quad 2805?

just i bought a quad 2805, i need some advice for best matching power amplifier, thanks.-
Speak to Audiogon member Dlanselm...He owns these speakers and has done much comparison auditioning!

good luck,
I had a pair of 2805's and found they did not like my tube preamp and SS poweramps. I eventually used a passive preamp and a pair of Quicksilver V4 tube amps that played very nicely.
The guy that purchased my Quads came over to listen and we connected his Musical Fidelity A3 CR, this was also a great match, with deeper bass than the V4's.

The speakers also did not play well where I had all my other past speakers placed. They sounded best in my room on the long wall where I then sat ~7 feet from the fronts.